I crossed over the Arctic Circle today! I spent the day flying over the length of Alaska, and after four ‘airports’ I am ready to spend some time on solid ground.
Apparently, I purchased the milk-run flight to Barrow . . . so my Combi plane made a stop in Fairbanks. And then Prudhoe Bay. And then Barrow. This made a long trip even longer, but I did meet some interesting people along the way.
On my flight to Fairbanks, I sat next to the Vice President of Alaskan Operations for BP. Of course, it was evident he didn’t know a thing about Alaska after only twenty minutes of conversation. If you have to ask me why somebody can’t drive a car from Anchorage to Dillingham, you shouldn’t be Vice President of any kind of Alaskan Operation.
I got in Barrow around 10:30 am after 6 hours of flying and sitting on tarmacs. It’s a funny little town of about 4,000 people. Unlike Nome, Barrow is technically still a village. The tourist trade isn’t as kitchy here, and it functions just like any small town might. There is a library, a museum, an elementary school, a middle school, a high school, a police department, a fire department, a pool, a skating rink, a few Chinese restaurants, a cafĂ©, a Japanese restaurant, two pizza places, a fur shop, and a grocery store. You can find anything you might need in Barrow . . . for a price, and don’t expect a choice between brands. Even still, it’s better than most village stores.
I spent some time at the district office meeting people, and then hopped on the 4:00 pm Era Aviation flight to Atqasuk with 3 dozen eggs and a half-gallon of milk on my lap. (Have you ever thought about what you can’t get without a Wal-Mart or direct flight to Anchorage?) If you have seen that show ‘Flying Wild Alaska’ on the Discovery Channel, this is the same little airline with little bitty airplanes. Actually, the second episode of the first season highlighted Barrow and Atqasuk. You should watch it sometime.
My fellow Oklahomans will find this piece of information interesting: Will Rogers and Wiley Post (Oklahomans) crashed their plane in Barrow . . . so the airport is named after them, just like in Oklahoma City! It's kind of weird to have started the journey at Will Rogers International Airport and nearly end it at the top of the world at Will Rogers/Wiley Post Memorial Airport.
My little plane landed on the gravel airstrip in Atqasuk about 20 minutes after leaving Barrow skies. It is so nice living so close to a hub! A 90 minute flight over the Bering Sea from Nome to Siberia sounds exotic, but trust me it gets old and uncomfortable in a hurry.
Atqasuk seems like a quaint little Alaskan village. More to come when I know more about the town . . . for now, I’m ‘bushed’ and it’s time to get some sleep!